ORDER BY to Sort

When you want to sort the result, use ORDER BY.

SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE condition ORDER BY col

WHERE phrase can be omitted it it is not needed.

mysql> SELECT * FROM sample31;
| name | age  | address                   |
| A  |   36 | 대구광역시 중구           |
| B  |   18 | 부산광역시 연제구         |
| C  |   25 | 서울특별시 중구           |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM sample31 ORDER BY age;
| name | age  | address                   |
| B  |   18 | 부산광역시 연제구         |
| C  |   25 | 서울특별시 중구           |
| A  |   36 | 대구광역시 중구           |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM sample31 ORDER BY address;
| name | age  | address                   |
| A  |   36 | 대구광역시 중구           |
| B  |   18 | 부산광역시 연제구         |
| C  |   25 | 서울특별시 중구           |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The basic criteria of alignment is ascendant. If you want to sort in descending order, add DESC at the end of the command.

mysql> SELECT * FROM sample31 ORDER BY age DESC;
| name | age  | address                   |
| A  |   36 | 대구광역시 중구           |
| C  |   25 | 서울특별시 중구           |
| B  |   18 | 부산광역시 연제구         |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Criteria of Sorting

  • Numeric value: Follow relationship between small and large.
  • Date and time: More recent date(time) is considered larger.
  • Text: Lexicographic(dictionary) order.

If sorting does not work as intended, check the datatype. If numeric value is stored in text type, sorting result could be different.

All command using SELECT (including sorting), does not affect the original database.

All images, except those with separate source indications, are excerpted from lecture materials.
