Use SUM to get a sum of a set.

mysql> SELECT * FROM sample51;
| no   | name | quantity |
|    1 | A    |        1 |
|    2 | A    |        2 |
|    3 | B    |       10 |
|    4 | C    |        3 |
|    5 | NULL |     NULL |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM sample51;
| SUM(quantity) |
|            16 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

NULL will be ignored as the other aggregate functions. Adding character or date is impossible.


To get an average, use AVG. It is also possible to divide sum by the number of rows.

mysql> SELECT AVG(quantity), SUM(quantity)/COUNT(quantity) FROM sample51;
| AVG(quantity) | SUM(quantity)/COUNT(quantity) |
|        4.0000 |                        4.0000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

To include NULL in the calculation, change NULL into 0 first.

mysql> SELECT AVG(CASE WHEN quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE quantity END) AS avgnull0 FROM sample51;
| avgnull0 |
|   3.2000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Use MIN and MAX to get a minimum and maxinum of a set.

mysql> SELECT MIN(quantity), MAX(quantity), MIN(name), MAX(name) FROM sample51;
| MIN(quantity) | MAX(quantity) | MIN(name) | MAX(name) |
|             1 |            10 | A         | C         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

All images, except those with separate source indications, are excerpted from lecture materials.
